
Welcome to the City's Procurement Webpage! View the above short video for more about our Procurement Program. Our vision is to ethically, effectively, legally, and collaboratively procure the goods and services needed to maintain high quality of life for our citizens and employees.

Visit the below links for more information on some areas of our Procurement Program. Scroll down further to view our dollar thresholds. To schedule a meeting with City Procurement staff or to introduce yourself, fill out the form at the bottom of this page.


Purchases less than $2,500.00 may be made through Procurement Cards (P-Cards), check requests, or vendor accounts.

Purchases less than $5,000.00 do not require a Purchase Order (PO) may be made through check requests or vendor accounts.

Purchases between $5,000.00 and $29,999.99 are obtained through written quote process and require a PO. Quotes may be received via U.S. Mail, email, fax, or hand delivery.

Purchases between $30,000.00 and $89,999.99 are obtained through informal bids in accordance with N.C.G.S. § 143-131 and require a PO.

Purchases of $90,000.00 and above are obtained through formal bids in accordance with N.C.G.S. § 143-129 and require a PO.


Contracts less than $2,500.00 may be made through Procurement Cards (P-Cards), check requests, or vendor accounts.

Contracts less than $5,000.00 do not require a PO may be made through check requests or vendor accounts.

Contracts from $5,000.00 thru $29,999.99 do not require competition and require a PO.

Contracts from $30,000.00 thru $499,999.99 require informal bidding in accordance with N.C.G.S. § 143-131 and require a PO.

Contracts of $500,000.00 and above require formal bidding in accordance with N.C.G.S. § 143-131 and require a PO.


Logan Hickey


Procurement & Contract Administrator

(828) 233-3203  |