Get Involved

Stormwater runoff is the leading cause of impairment of our nation’s waterways. The City of Hendersonville Stormwater Division offers several exciting volunteer programs to provide the opportunity for the public to be engaged in protecting local water quality. The objectives of these programs are to increase community involvement and awareness of the City’s water resources, promote watershed-based environmental education, increase reporting of water quality problems, and to improve water quality and stream habitats.

 Sign-up to be contacted for future Volunteer opportunities


 stream running through a forest

Stream Clean Ups

Stormwater Staff organize stream clean up events at least twice a year at different locations in Hendersonville

Volunteers have removed thousands of pounds of trash from local streams during past events. These events are a great way to be a part of keeping our waterways clean and healthy in just a few hours. 


Working in the Stream

Here's what you can expect: 

  1. You'll be removing trash from the stream.
  2. We'll collect and dispose of the trash for you after each cleanup.

Please wear outdoor attire and closed-toe shoes.

Provided Volunteer Material 

  • Garbage bags
  • Gloves
  • Safety vest
  • Water

After the Cleanup

We appreciate the hard work that our volunteers put in during a cleanup. You may find items like - bottles, cans, plastic, tires, scooters, tents, bikes, and other interesting items. 

The more litter we clean out from the stream - the healthier it will be. 


Upcoming Events

Stormwater Staff organize stream clean ups in the spring and fall. These events are a great opportunity to participate in a one-time cleanup to get your feet wet and see if this volunteer program is right for you. Upcoming events will be advertised via social media and a press release.

Photo of people next to a pile of trash cleaned out of Mud Creek

Drain Marking Program

Storm Drain Marking Program 

Image of Stencil Containing Outline of Frog and Text: "Dump No Waste: Drains To Stream"


Storm drain markers provides a cost effective option for both public education and outreach as well as public involvement. The purpose of storm drain marking is to help educate the public about pollution prevention and generate public participation in the stormwater program. Markers are placed on or near storm drains to remind us that rainfall runoff can wash soil, yard waste, fertilizer, motor oil, and other pollutants into our waterways.

Storm drain marking is labeling a storm drain inlet with a written message reminding the public not to dump anything into the storm drain as it flows to local waterways. Many people mistakenly believe storm drains empty to water treatment facilities, so they pour chemicals or sweep debris directly into storm drains. This dumping greatly increases the level of non-point source pollutants (leaves, soil, litter, fertilizers, pesticides, and street residues) already present in urban storm water runoff and can contribute substantially to a decline in water quality. More communities are working to reduce non-point source pollution by labeling storm drain inlets with messages warning citizens not to dump polluting materials. The stenciled messages—usually a simple phrase like "No Dumping! Protect Our Water"—remind would-be dumpers and passers-by that the storm drains connect to local water bodies and that dumping pollutes those waters. In recent years, as states and local governments have learned more about how non-point source pollution degrades water quality, storm drain marking efforts have sprung up in communities across the country.

This program is coordinated by the Stormwater Division for the City of Hendersonville. If you have questions or would like to participate in the storm drain marking program please call: 828-697-3013 or email: