Main Street Program

The Downtown Division is funded by Municipal Service District tax on the Main Street and 7th Avenue Districts, and a percentage of sales tax.
- Both the Main Street and 7th Avenue Municipal Service Districts are taxed at $.21 tax per $100 valuation (as of July 1, 2023)
The Administration department serves all departments and the City Council. View the City's Vision and Mission here.
Downtown Advisory Board Members:
The City of Hendersonville is committed to protecting the economic viability, physical infrastructure, and social fabric of Main Street, 7th Avenue and the entire downtown area. The Downtown Mainstreet Advisory and Seventh Avenue Advisory Committees were merged by City Council to form a the Downtown Advisory Board. The Board serves in an advisory role to the City Council in matters pertaining to the Hendersonville Main Street Municipal Service District and 7th Avenue Municipal Service District subject to such limitations as may be imposed by state law or by ordinances of the City. The Board works in concert with City Staff and City Council to implement the historic preservation based economic development strategy developed by the National Main Street Center and known as "The Four Point Approach." The Board is an active member of the North Carolina Main Street Program.
Membership & Terms
All appointments shall be made by the City of Hendersonville City Council. The Board shall consist of sixteen (16) members, including (14) voting members and (2) non-voting members. Membership shall be composed from the following membership categories:
(5) Stakeholders representing Seventh Avenue Municipal Service District (all voting members)
(5) Stakeholders representing Main Street Municipal Service District (all voting members)
(4) At-large members (all voting members)
(1) City Council liaison member (non-voting member)
(1) Representative (Director or designee) from the Hendersonville Rescue Mission (non-voting member)
Stakeholder members are defined as persons owning property within a municipal service district the City of Hendersonville, and business owners whose business is located within a municipal service district in the City of Hendersonville.
At-large members are defined as persons owning property or residing within the City of Hendersonville or Henderson County, or business owners whose business is located within the City of Hendersonville or Henderson County.
Members serve three-year staggered terms and may be reappointed to two consecutive terms, before being required to sit off the board for at least one year. Members serve without compensation.
Regular Joint Meetings of the City of Hendersonville Downtown Advisory Board are held on the second Tuesday of every month beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the Downtown Offices located at 125 5th Avenue W. Suite 200, Hendersonville NC, Hendersonville NC. Meetings may take place virtually via zoom with notice. Meeting access information will be posted on the City's calendar in addition to any notice.