City Council Values

City Council prioritized programs, policies and projects during their retreat held on February 25 and 26, 2021 and discussed their values and beliefs that guide them in their decision making as they strive to achieve their goals. 

City seal and list of City Council values



City Council Core Values & Beliefs

The City Council has adopted by resolution their Core Values & Beliefs that they will use in conjunction with the mission and vision statements to guide decision making.  

The City of Hendersonville believes municipal government should be non-partisan.

  • Political affiliations are not productive to solving problems of local communities.
  • City leaders and staff must lead by example and meet regularly with people who have different points of view.
  • City leaders and staff must maintain an awareness of local, state and national political trends but must lead the City in a manner that serves all community members.

The City of Hendersonville values open, transparent communication and trust with the community and each other.

  • The City will openly communicate with the public and each other to ensure information about services, policies and programs are available to all.
  • The City will build trust through ethical and transparent leadership.
  • The City will share information and solicit feedback prior to the implementation of new programs and policies.
  • The City will be open to concerns and comments from all stakeholders and will ensure the community can easily speak to leaders without fear of retribution/embarrassment.

The City of Hendersonville believes community members expect services to be delivered at a high level.

  • The City will deliver services at a high level to make people feel their taxes and fees are being used effectively and to encourage others to live in our community.
  • The City will deliver services in a manner that ensures the safety of the community.
  • The City will deliver services in a manner that limits the disruption of our community members’ daily lives to the greatest extent possible.

The City of Hendersonville values all community members through promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.


  • The City must evaluate all laws, policies, and rules to ensure that they can be implemented and enforced in a fair and equitable manner.
  • The City must evaluate all current and future programs, projects, or initiatives to ensure they build a culture where differences are valued.
  • The City must ensure that leaders and staff consistently work to build trust and positive relationships throughout our entire community.

The City of Hendersonville values its employees and must support them to ensure the provision of high-quality services to its residents. 

  • The City must provide growth opportunities to employees and educational tools to allow them to grow in their roles and responsibilities.
  • The City must respect and pay employees fairly and competitively.
  • The City must support employees by providing a safe and hazard free workplace. 

The City of Hendersonville believes that it must pursue and provide opportunity for responsible growth.

  • The City will establish and maintain policies and programs that encourage economic opportunity and help grow small business and entrepreneurship.
  • The City will work with our community to provide educational opportunities about growth and its impact on economic vitality and quality of life .
  • The City will encourage responsible growth that provides opportunities for success to  all segments of our community.
  • The City will make efforts to generate affordable housing options and reduce the impacts of the high cost of living within our community.
  • The City will prioritize the protection of existing residential neighborhoods when making growth decisions.

The City of Hendersonville values the lives of all community members and must protect them through collective action.


  • Our goal is to make the lives of all residents better through collective action.
  • The City recognizes the sanctity of each person's life.
  • The City must be open to change priorities and polices as circumstances change in the world around us.

The City of Hendersonville believes environmental sustainability is critical to preserving the community for future generations. 

  • The City will evaluate the environmental sustainability of all projects and programs while maintaining a solid relationship with residential and business development.
  • The City believes that it is our responsibility to protect all our natural resources and the environment through the implementation of sustainable and responsible projects.
  • The City must lead by example by evaluating all city operations to ensure they protect or repair the natural environment and are environmentally sustainable.
  • The City will prioritize the protection of existing tree canopy and the development of greenspaces and parks.