Neighborhood Compatibility Meeting - 303 Chadwick Ave

Projects subject to a rezoning to a Conditional Zoning District must undergo a neighborhood compatibility meeting at which the developer and affected property owners and residents can participate in a discussion about the proposed rezoning.

The City of Hendersonville Development Assistance Department will hold a Neighborhood Compatibility Meeting on the 303 Chadwick Ave Conditional Rezoning on July 27, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at the Operations Center located at 305 Williams Street, Hendersonville NC.

The City is in receipt of an application from James Noble for the development of 4 single-family homes at 303 Chadwick Ave. 

Public Meeting Virtual Participation Guide

In compliance with the state’s safer-at-home order and social distancing guidelines, physical public attendance in the assembly room will be limited. Anyone interested in watching the meeting live may visit the City's Facebook page at or watch/listen using the ZOOM access information below.

To submit a public comment before the meeting:

  • Visit and select Neighborhood Compatibility Meeting - 303 Chadwick Ave. Participants are asked to give their name and address for the record and a space is given to submit written public comment which will be provided to the developer. Pre-submitted comments should be entered before 11:00 a.m. on July 27, 2020.
  • Individuals who are unable to submit their comments online may email their comment to Tyler Morrow at or call the Development Assistance Department at (828) 697-3010 to submit.

To participate during the meeting:

Meeting ID: 991 0029 6644

Password: 882593

  • Join the meeting by phone

Phone Number: +1- 646- 558- 8656 US

Meeting ID: 991 0029 6644

Password: 882593

In order to comment during the meeting, virtual participants should use the ‘raise hand’ feature or press *9 to raise hand if dialing in.

To meet all regulations while adhering to social distancing guidelines, the City of Hendersonville will provide a space for individuals otherwise unable to access and participate in the Neighborhood Compatibility Meeting. A minimum of ten individuals can be permitted into the Operations Center starting at 1:30 p.m. on July 27, 2020. The maximum number of entrants will be determined by the state’s order on the day of the meeting.

Thank you for your patience as we navigate these unprecedented circumstances with the ultimate goal of protecting the health of our citizens and slowing the spread of the Coronavirus.

If you have any questions or need assistance submitting public comment, please call the Development Assistance Department at (828) 697-3010.