Landings of Flat Rock Neighborhood Compatibility Meeting

The public is invited to participate in a Neighborhood Compatibility Meeting for the proposed modified Landings of Flat Rock congregate care development. The City of Hendersonville is in receipt of an application for a conditional zoning district amendment from Carolina Commercial Contractors, LLC.  The applicant is requesting to amend the conditional zoning district on the subject property, PIN 9588-12-4337 and located on S. Allen Road. The subject property was rezoned from Henderson County I, Industrial and OI, Office Institutional District to PRD CZD, Planned Residential Development Conditional Zoning District by City Council in December of 2020 for the construction of a one-story, 58 bed, 32,000 sq. ft. assisted living facility and a three-story, 95 bed, 85,000 sq. ft. independent living facility.  The proposed amendment is to allow the subject property to be subdivided into two parcels (File #P21-50-CZD) 

The Neighborhood Compatibility Meeting is an opportunity for interested parties to meet with the developer to learn more and ask questions. The meeting will have both an in-person and virtual option. 

A PDF of the concept plan is attached on the right side of the screen.

The in-person meeting option will be held in the Assembly Room at the City Operations Building (305 Williams Street)

The virtual option will be held via Zoom using the info below:


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Meeting ID: 841 1658 9101

Passcode: 789803

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Meeting ID: 841 1658 9101

Passcode: 789803

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